This version of the docs is a work in progress. If you don’t see what you are looking for check the legacy wiki.

Getting Started

We all need to get started somewhere. If this your first time using Repose, then this is the place for you!

Custom Filter for Repose

Learn how to create your own custom filter for Repose!


Learn the basics of running and operating Repose in a Docker container!

Role Based Access Control

Learn how to implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) with Repose!

Running Valve

Details the ways which Repose Valve can be run.


Learn the basics of running and operating Repose in a Vagrant guest VM!

Valve Installation

Covers the typical Repose setup — a Valve installation (i.e., standalone application) running as a Linux service.

WAR Installation

Covers setting up Repose inside of a user-provided servlet container.

Quick Setup

IN PROGRESS If you want to stand up a Repose instance quickly, visit the Quick Setup page.

Echo Server

IN PROGRESS If you’re evaluating Repose and want a simple origin service to test against, you can install a local instance of httpbin that will echo back your requests. See Echo Server Tutorial for more details.

Rate Limiting

IN PROGRESS Rate limiting is a common use case for Repose and is easy to test. See Rate Limiting Tutorial for more details.

Basic Authentication




SSL/TLS Client Authentication

Looking for a little more security talking to Repose or maybe from Repose to your origin service? SSL/TLS Client Authentication will allow you to limit traffic to those who present a valid certificate.