This version of the docs is a work in progress. If you don’t see what you are looking for check the legacy wiki.

Performance testing is a method of testing various aspects of Repose in order to collect performance data. Performance data can be used to determine the overhead of the aspects in question, both at a system resource level as well as at a response time level.

To performance test Repose, and collect the resulting data for analysis, the Framework is used.


In an attempt to provide the most meaningful data possible, the following test cases will be covered by independent tests:

  • The simplest (i.e., passthrough) Repose deployment.

  • Every Repose filter.

  • A relatively complex Repose deployment.

  • Common Repose deployments (e.g., RBAC).



The overall design of the automatic performance testing framework can be outlined succinctly by the following diagram:

Performance Test Framework Design Diagram

Put into words, a code change in the Repose GitHub repository will trigger a Jenkins job to run. The Jenkins job will run the Ansible playbooks for all defined test cases. The Ansible playbooks, in turn, will allocate the necessary cloud resources, and begin executing the Gatling simulations for each test case. As Gatling runs, it will pipe the performance data it captures out to InfluxDB. Once Gatling execution completes, cloud resources will be cleaned up, and the Ansible playbook will finish executing. At some point, Grafana will query InfluxDB to retrieve the performance data which will be made available in the form of one or more dashboards.

Creating a New Test

Certain general directories will be subdivided into test categories. If a directory is subdivided, new files and directories should be placed in the appropriate category. For example, the repose-aggregator/tests/performance-tests/inventories/ directory contains the filters/ and use-cases/ sub-directories. A new filter inventory, then, should be placed under the filters/ directory rather than the parent inventories/ directory.

  1. Create an Ansible inventory for the new test.

    1. Create a new inventory directory under under the repose-aggregator/tests/performance-tests/inventories/ directory of the Repose project. The name of the new directory should describe the feature under test.

    2. Add group variables in a group_vars/ directory under your new inventory directory. Group variables should generally be placed in a file named all to make them usable by all host groups.

      Certain variables (e.g., must be defined.

    3. Add a hosts file under your new inventory directory.

      Only localhost need be defined in the hosts file — all other hosts will be added dynamically as the Playbook runs.

  2. Add Repose configuration files.

    1. Create new directories under repose-aggregator/tests/performance-tests/roles/repose/ with the same names and hierarchy as the previously created inventory directory. Template files should be placed under the templates/ directory while raw configuration files should be placed under the files/config/ directory.

  3. Create a Gatling simulation.

    1. Create new directories under repose-aggregator/tests/performance-tests/roles/gatling/ with the same names and hierarchy as the previously created inventory directory.

    2. Write a Gatling simulation. This code will be responsible for generating test traffic and, ultimately, performance test data.

  4. If necessary, add mock services under repose-aggregator/tests/performance-tests/roles/repose/mocks/.

The inventory directory created in the steps above is not strictly necessary. While it is the conventional way of defining a new test, Ansible can be invoked using any directory as the inventory directory. In fact, the directory that we have created will only be needed when we invoke the Ansible Playbook. The command in "How To Run Performance Tests Using Vagrant" shows the Ansible Playbook being invoked with the "-i" option, which allows a user to specify the inventory directory.

Ansible Playbooks support Jinja2 templates. These templates allow users to add dynamic content to files. Most if not all of the configuration files that were referred to above will be Jinja2 files, distinguishable by the additional .j2 file extension.

Running a Test Automatically

A Jenkins job is triggered any time that code on the master branch of the Repose Git Repository changes. The Jenkins job will run the performance tests automatically, and publish the results. Design describes the full automated process in more detail.

Running a Test Manually

  • Add the link to the Puppet manifest.

  1. Set up your environment.

    We use Puppet to manage our performance test environment. The details of our environment can be found in our [Puppet manifest]. If you have Puppet installed, you can download our manifest and re-create our environment by running puppet apply directly on the downloaded file.

  2. Clone the Repose GitHub repository from Github.
    git clone

  3. Navigate to the performance test directory in the project.
    cd repose/repose-aggregator/tests/performance-tests

  4. Run the start_test.yml Ansible playbook.
    This playbook will create the necessary Cloud resources, deploy test resources to them, and execute the Gatling simulation. When running the playbook, you may specify which test to run and what configuration to override for that test.

    ansible-playbook start_test.yml \ (1)
      -i inventories/filters/saml \ (2)
      -e '{gatling: {test: {params: {duration_in_min: 15, saml: {num_of_issuers: 2}}}}}' \ (3)
      -vvvv (4)
    1 Run the start_test.yml playbook.
    2 Use the SAML inventory. The inventory used dictates the test to run.
    3 Override the configuration for the two specified properties using YAML syntax.
    4 Provide very verbose output.
  5. View the Results.

  6. Clean up cloud resources (i.e., cloud servers and load balancers).
    ansible-playbook stop_test.yml -i inventories/filters/saml -vvvv


Grafana Dashboard

  • Add a link to our Grafana instance.

  • Describe the dashboard(s).

Grafana serves as the user interface to performance test data.

HTML Report

After test execution has completed, Gatling will generate an HTML report. The report can be found inside an archive residing in the /root directory with a file name like gatling-results-repose-1487613066553.tar.gz. The exact file name will be included in the output of the Fetch the Gatling results task which will resemble the following snippet:

changed: [perf_saml-testsuite01] => {
    "changed": true,
    "checksum": "4abdc6827e21343904c5744df42c7da57db8c978",
    "dest": "/root/gatling-results-repose-1487613066553.tar.gz", (1)
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "dest": "/root/",
            "flat": true,
            "src": "/root/gatling-results-repose-1487613066553.tar.gz"
        "module_name": "fetch"
    "md5sum": "5441b5b8229434a79c4546c74b85338a",
    "remote_checksum": "4abdc6827e21343904c5744df42c7da57db8c978",
    "remote_md5sum": null
1 This is the file name.

After the report archive is located, the content must be extracted before the report can be viewed. That can be done with a command like the following:
tar xvf /root/gatling-results-repose-1487613066553.tar.gz

Once the report has been extracted, it can be viewed in the index.html file. Using a web browser will provide the best viewing experience.

At the time of writing, a Cloud server is being used as a "master" node to coordinate the performance tests. For that reason, the Ansible task which fetches the results from Gatling can and will place those results in the /root directory on the node which launched the playbook. Issues may arise if the Ansible playbook is run in an environment where the /root directory cannot be written to.


Running Gatling Manually

If needed, Gatling can be run manually using a command like the following while working in the repose-aggregator/tests/performance-tests/roles/gatling/files/simulations directory:

gatling -s filters.saml.SamlSimulation (1)
1 filters.saml.SamlSimulation is the package-qualified class name of the simulation to run. It should be replaced with the FQCN of the simulation that should be run.

Configuring Gatling Manually

Files and directories of interest:

  • conf/logback.xml - Lets you turn on debug logging; useful to see the request and response data.

  • conf/application.conf - The configuration file read by the simulations.

  • results/ - Contains all of the results.

Additional Information

Warmup Duration

Run the simple use-case test for 15 minutes with a 5 minute warmup (20 minutes total):

ansible-playbook start_test.yml \
  -i inventories/use-cases/simple \
  -e '{gatling: {test: {params: {duration_in_min: 15, warmup_duration_in_min: 5}}}}' \

Skipping Repose or Origin Service Tests

By default, both the Repose test and the origin service test (i.e., Repose is bypassed) are run. You can use Ansible tags to specify that only one of those tests should be run.

ansible-playbook start_test.yml \
  -i inventories/filters/saml \
  --tags "repose" \
ansible-playbook start_test.yml \
  -i inventories/filters/saml \
  --tags "origin" \

Cloud Server Flavor

You can specify which cloud server flavor to use in the configuration overrides.

ansible-playbook start_test.yml \
  -i inventories/filters/saml \
  -e '{cloud: {server: {repose: {flavor: performance1-4}}}}' \

Increasing Timeout for Repose Startup

By default, the Repose start task will wait 5 minutes for Repose to start up. If you expect Repose to take longer to start (e.g., due to a large WADL), you can increase this timeout using a command like the following:

ansible-playbook start_test.yml \
  -i inventories/filters/saml \
  -e '{repose: {service: {start_timeout_in_sec: 900}}}' \


To get Repose to use Saxon, add a saxon.lic file to the roles/repose/files/ directory and pass in the following configuration override:

ansible-playbook start_test.yml \
  -i inventories/filters/saml \
  -e '{repose: {systemd_opts: {use_saxon: true}}}' \

JVM Options (Heap size, Garbage Collection, etc.)

You can set the JVM Options (JAVA_OPTS) used by Repose by setting the following configuration override:

ansible-playbook start_test.yml \
  -i inventories/filters/saml \
  -e '{repose: {systemd_opts: {java_opts: "-Xmx2g -Xms2g -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication"}}}' \

Automatic Cloud Resource Cleanup

An Ansibile playbook has been defined that will run a performance test and clean up after itself. To run that playbook, switch start_test.yml with site.yml when running a performance test.

ansible-playbook site.yml \
  -i inventories/filters/saml \

Running a Test Again

You can re-run a test using the same cloud resources by simply running the start_test.yml playbook again. You can even specify different configuration overrides in subsequent runs, although there are some limitations. For example, you can enable Saxon for a subsequent run, but you can’t disable it afterwards. Also, if you don’t want the Repose JVM already warmed up from the previous run, you should have Ansible restart the Repose service. This feature is considered experimental.

ansible-playbook start_test.yml \
  -i inventories/filters/saml \
  -e '{repose: {service: {state: restarted}, systemd_opts: {use_saxon: true}}}' \

Gatling Output Directory Name

You can specify the base name of the directory containing the Gatling results in the configuration overrides. For example, if you wanted the base name custom-base-name (resulting in a directory name resembling custom-base-name-repose-1487812914968), you would run:

ansible-playbook start_test.yml \
  -i inventories/filters/saml \
  -e '{gatling: {results: {output_dir: custom-base-name}}}' \

Running Parallel Tests

Running a performance test with a unique naming prefix enables you to run a particular inventory multiple times simultaneously (each run requires a unique prefix):

ansible-playbook start_test.yml \
  -i inventories/filters/saml \
  -e '{cloud: {naming_prefix: perf_saml_many_issuers}, gatling: {test: {params: {saml: {num_of_issuers: 100}}}}}' \

If you’re using the stop_test.yml playbook to clean up your cloud resources, you’ll need to include the unique prefix to ensure the correct resources are deleted. If the prefix is not specified, the wrong cloud resources or no cloud resources could end up being deleted, and in both cases, no error will be returned (due to idempotency).

ansible-playbook stop_test.yml \
  -i inventories/filters/saml \
  -e '{cloud: {naming_prefix: perf_saml_many_issuers}}' \