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The Header Normalization filter removes configured headers from a request and/or response. Normalization is the process of modifying or standardizing content to optimize the flow of information. The Header Normalization filter normalizes the headers of the request by performing two separate functions. The filter uses blacklisting to prevent specific headers and it uses whitelisting to allow only approved headers from continuing down the filter chain. The headers can be matched by URI regular expression (uri-regex) and/or HTTP method type (http-methods).

General filter information

  • Name: Header Normalization

  • Default Configuration: header-normalization.cfg.xml

  • Released: v2.0.0

  • Bundle: repose-filter-bundle

  • Schema

Prerequisites & Postconditions

Required headers


Required preceding filters

This filter has no dependencies on other filters and can be placed wherever it is needed in the filter chain. However, due to the nature of this filter it is typically placed early in the filter chain.

Request headers created

Changes to request headers vary based on configuration.

Request body changes

This filter does not modify the request body.

This filter is not strictly required by any other filters.

Response body changes

This filter does not modify the response body.

Response headers created

Changes to response headers vary based on configuration.

Response Status Codes

This filter does not modify the response code.


Remove all headers except authentication headers from incoming requests

This configuration shows how to use the Whitelist feature of the Header Normalization filter. It will remove all other headers except those required to initiate an authentication sequence.

<header-normalization xmlns=''>
    <target> (1)
        <request> (2)
            <whitelist> (3)
                <header id="X-Auth-Key"/> (4)
                <header id="X-Auth-User"/>
<1> Since neither the uri-regex nor http-methods are specified, this target applies to all requests.
<2> The following whitelist only applies to the request.
<3> The whitelist feature enables you to specify the only HTTP headers that you want to be passed on.
    All others are removed.
<4> Only the X-Auth-Key and X-Auth-User headers will be allowed to continue forward from the client.

Remove headers from outgoing responses

This configuration shows how to use the Blacklist feature of the Header Normalization filter. It will remove only the specified headers from all responses.

<header-normalization xmlns=''>
    <target> (1)
        <response> (2)
            <blacklist> (3)
                <header id="X-User-Name"/> (4)
                <header id="X-Tenant-Id"/>
<1> Since neither the uri-regex nor http-methods are specified, this target applies to all responses.
<2> The following blacklist only applies to the response.
<3> The blacklist feature enables you to specify exactly which HTTP headers to discard.
    All others are left alone.
<4> Only the X-User-Name and X-Tenant-Id headers will be removed before continuing back to the client.

This is a full example showing all the available options.

This configuration is a more complex example.

<header-normalization xmlns=''>
    <target uri-regex="/servers/(.*)" http-methods="ALL"> (1)
        <request> (2) (3)
            <whitelist> (4) (5)
                <header id="X-Auth-Key"/> (6)
                <header id="X-Auth-User"/>
        <response> (7)
            <blacklist> (8)
                <header id="X-User-Name"/>
                <header id="X-Tenant-Id"/>
    <target http-methods="POST PUT"> (9)
                <header id="X-Modify"/>
    <target> (10)
                <header id="X-PP-User"/>
                <header id="X-PP-Groups"/>
                <header id="X-Remove-Me"/>
<1> Since the http-methods attribute is not specified, this target applies to all http methods (GET, POST, PUT, etc) that match the uri-regex.
<2> Even though both request and response elements are optional, at least one must be specified and both can be.
<3> The following whitelist only applies to the request.
<4> Even though both whitelist and blacklist elements are optional, one and only one must be specified.
<5> A whitelist specifies the only headers that are allowed to continue.
<6> The header element consists of only the required id attribute which defines the case-insensitive name of the header to remove or allow to pass.
<7> The following blacklist will only apply to the response.
<8> A blacklist specifies exactly which headers to not allow to continue.
<9> Since the uri-regex attribute is not specified, this target applies to all POST and PUT requests.
    Valid http-methods are: GET, DELETE, POST, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS, CONNECT, TRACE, and ALL
<10> Since neither the uri-regex nor http-methods are specified, this target applies to all requests and responses that don't match one of the previous targets.