The Rackspace Auth User filter is for usage in Repose instances that sit in front of Keystone v1 and v2 deployments. It’s meant to be used for login requests to capture username for both rate limiting and user access events.

General Filter Information

  • Name: rackspace-auth-user

  • Released: v3.1.1 & v6.1.1.0+

  • Bundle: repose-filter-bundle

  • Default Configuration: rackspace-auth-user.cfg.xml

  • Configuration Schema: rackspace-auth-user-configuration.xsd

Prerequisites & Postconditions

Required Request Headers

Table 1. Request
Request Headers Value Conditions of Requirement


Multi-Factor Authentication Session Id

Required during the second call of a multi-factor authentication attempt

Table 2. Response
Response Headers Value Conditions of Requirement


Multi-Factor Authentication Session Id

Required during the first call of a multi-factor authentication attempt

Required Preceding Filters

This filter has no dependencies on other filters.

Request Headers Created

Table 3. Request
Request Headers Value Conditions of Creation


Username of the requester

Username present in the request body or the session id present for MFA. Prepended with Racker: if domain was present and had a value of Rackspace.


Username of the requester

Username present in the request body or the session id present for MFA. Prepended with Racker: if domain was present and had a value of Rackspace.


Configured value

Username present in the request body or the session id present for MFA.


Domain in the request

Username and Domain present in the request body or the session id present for MFA.

Request Body Changes

This filter does not modify the request body.

This filter needs to appear in the filter chain before any of the filters that need the information that derives and provides. That means the rate limiting filter when rate limiting, and herp filter when doing user access events. When doing both the order should be:

  1. Rackspace Auth User

  2. Highly Efficient Record Processor

  3. Rate Limiting

For further details about the reasoning behind this ordering see user access events.

Response Body Changes

This filter does not modify the response body.

Response Headers Created

This filter does not create/modify any response headers.

Response Status Codes

This filter does not modify the response code.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <v1_1 content-body-read-limit="2048">  (1) (2)
        <group>1_1 Group</group> (3)
        <quality>0.75</quality> (4)

    <v2_0> (5)
        <group>2_0 Group</group> (3)
        <quality>0.80</quality> (4)

1 The v1_1 element lets the filter know that you’d like to try to process request bodies using the 1.1 contract for auth requests. It is optional.
2 The content-body-read-limit attribute specifies how much of the body you’d like the filter to read before giving up and assuming it’s not present.
Default: 4096
3 The group element specifies what group name to use in the X-PP-Groups header.
Default: Pre_Auth
4 The quality element specifies what quality to apply to the X-PP-User and X-PP-Groups headers, it should be a value between 0 and 1.0.
Default: 0.6
5 The v2_0 element is similar to the v1_1 element but specifies that the filter should try to process request bodies using the 2.0 contract for auth requests and forgotten password requests. It is optional. The elements are not exclusive, and you can specify one, both, or neither. This element can also take a content-body-read-limit attribute with the same behavior as the v1_1 element.