The Simple Role Based Access Control (RBAC) filter provides a way to get API validation for services without the need to create a WADL.

General filter information

  • Name: simple-rbac

  • Default Configuration: simple-rbac.cfg.xml

  • Released: v7.1.2.0

  • Bundle: repose-extensions-filter-bundle

  • Schema

Prerequisites & Postconditions

Required Request Headers

  • X-Roles - A header containing the roles belonging to the user making the request. The name of the header containing said roles is configurable, but X-Roles is the default.

Required Preceding Filters

This filter has no dependencies on other filters and can be placed wherever it is needed in the filter chain.

However, due to the nature of this filter, it is typically placed early in the filter chain immediately after any authentication filters.

Request Headers Created

  • X-Relevant-Roles - Lists the values of the X-Roles (or a semantically equivalent) header which match a role value from the configuration for the resource being requested. In other words, X-Relevant-Roles are the user roles which granted access to the resource.

  • X-Delegated - Provides details about the failure being delegated by this filter. This is mainly intended for use by the Highly Efficient Record Processor (HERP) filter and Delegation Response Processor (DeRP) filter for internal delegation processing within Repose. However, it can be exposed to the origin service under certain configurations. This header is only added if delegation is enabled.

Request Body Changes

This filter does not modify the request body.

This filter is not strictly required by any other filters.

Response Body Changes

This filter does not modify the response body.

Response Headers Created

This filter does not create/modify any response headers.

Response Status Codes

Table 1. Status Codes
Status Code Reasons


A requested resource or method requires a specific X-Roles request header value that was not found.


The filter determined that the URI is invalid.

When mask-rax-roles-403 attribute is enabled (i.e. true), this could also indicate the supplied X-Roles request header value did not have access to the URI.


The URI is valid, but the Method is not appropriate for the URI.

When mask-rax-roles-403 attribute is enabled (i.e. true), this could also indicate the supplied X-Roles request header value had access to the URI, but not the requested Method.


Basic Example

This configuration is a basic example that exhibits a common use-case.

<simple-rbac xmlns="">
    <resources> (1)
/path/to/this   GET     role1,role2,role3,role4
/path/to/this   PUT     role1,role2,role3
/path/to/this   POST    role1,role2
/path/to/this   DELETE  role1
/path/to/that   GET,PUT ALL
/path/to/that   ALL     role1
/path/{to}/wild GET     role1
1 Defines the available resources. Resources are listed one per line in the <PATH> <METHODS> <ROLES> format. That is, each line should present the path to the resource, a series of spaces, the methods available on the resource, a series of spaces, and the roles which grant access to the resource. If a resource is not listed, requests to that resource will be rejected.

While roles are allowed to have spaces in the names, any additional leading and trailing whitespace around the comma separators is removed. That is to say a role can NOT start or end with a space.

ANY and ALL act as special wildcards for both HTTP methods and roles. When used for HTTP methods it is shorthand for the four basic REST methods (GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE).

Full Example with External Resources File

This configuration is a full example that uses every possible configuration item. It does not, however, cover the resources format, as including resources both inline and via the href attribute will cause only the inline resources to be used.

<simple-rbac xmlns=""
             roles-header-name="X-ROLES" (1)
             mask-rax-roles-403="false" (2)
             enable-api-coverage="false" (3)
             dot-output="/path/to/dot" (4)
             wadl-output="/path/to/wadl"> (5)
    <delegating (6)
        quality="0.3" (7)
        component-name="simple-rbac"/> (8)
    <resources href="/path/to/resources"/> (9)
1 Specifies the header name of the header which contains the list of user roles.
Defaults to X-Roles.
2 If set to true, instead of returning a FORBIDDEN (403), the response will be a NOT FOUND (404) if no methods are accessible or a METHOD NOT ALLOWED (405) if some methods are available.
Defaults to false.
3 If set to true, this filter will record, via JMX, the number of times each state in the generated state machine (the underlying mechanism) is accessed. These values may be used to determine API usage and coverage. The path taken by each request is also logged to the named api-coverage-logger logger in the Log4J configuration. If that logger is not configured, then they are logged to the default handler.
Defaults to false.
4 Specifies the DOT output file for this validator. DOT is a plain text graph description language. This is a simple way of describing graphs that both humans and computer programs can use..
5 Specifies the Web Application Description Language (WADL) output file for this validator. This is a way of describing the API of a Web Application that both humans and computer programs can use.
6 Inclusion of this element prevents this filter from returning errors, and directs this filter to populate delegation headers instead.
7 Specifies the quality of specific output headers. When setting up a chain of delegating filters, the highest quality number will be the one that is eventually output.
Default value is 0.3.
8 The component name used in the delegation header. This is particularly useful when multiple instances of an API-Checker based filter are used in the same filter chain.
Defaults to simple-rbac.
9 Specifies a location to an external file which contains the Simple RBAC resources. If the message element has a value and the href attribute is configured, the Simple RBAC will use what is configured in the value. If the file that the href attribute points to is modified, the Simple RBAC will not reload the configuration. So the new RBAC file should be placed in a new file name (e.g. Dated) and the simple-rbac.cfg.xml file updated to point to it in order to guarantee the changes are utilized.

Additional Information


In some cases, you may want to delegate the validation of a request down the chain to either another filter or to the origin service. Delegation prevents the Simple RBAC filter from failing the request by forwarding the request with the X-Delegated header that is set with a value which indicates how the filter would have failed if not in delegating mode.

To place the filter in delegating mode, add the delegating element to the filter configuration with a quality that determines the delegation priority.

The format for the X-Delegated header value is status_code={status-code}`component={filter-name}`message={failure message};q={delegating-quality}.