This version of the docs is a work in progress. If you don’t see what you are looking for check the legacy wiki.

One Sentence Per Line

Don’t wrap text at a fixed column width. Instead, put each sentence on its own line, a technique called sentence per line. This technique is similar to how you write and organize source code. The result can be spectacular.

Here are some of the advantages of using the sentence per line style:

  • It prevents reflows (meaning a change early in the paragraph won’t cause the remaining lines in the paragraph to reposition).

  • You can easily swap sentences.

  • You can easily separate or join paragraphs.

  • You can comment out sentences or add commentary to them.

  • You can spot sentences which are too long or sentences that vary widely in length.

  • You can spot redundant (and thus mundane) patterns in your writing.

We picked up this idea from the writing guide in the Neo4j documentation. However, it seems like the idea dates back a discovery by Buckminster Fuller in the 1930s, who called it ventilated prose. The technique was also recommended in 2009 by Brandon Rhodes in a blog post about Semantic Linefeeds.

It’s important to note that this technique works because AsciiDoc doesn’t treat wrapped lines in prose as hard line breaks. At least, it doesn’t show up that way to the reader. The line breaks between contiguous lines of prose will not be visible in the rendered document (i.e., as the reader sees it).

While line breaks don’t appear in the output, a blank line introduces a new paragraph. Use paragraphs to structure your text and don’t make them too large.

Section Titles

Section titles should be defined using Atx-style.

In the Atx-style, the section title is defined on a single line. The section title begins with one or more equal characters (i.e., =) followed by a space and the section title. The number of leading characters representing the depth. The top-level section is reserved for the document title, so the first section in the document will have two leading characters.

== First Section

Of the supported section title styles, this style requires the least number of characters, and it’s intuitive since the number of leading characters represents the heading level.


Use * to define lists rather than -. Nesting in lists will correspond to the number of leading asterisks.

* first
** nested item
* second